Geotab Drive

innovation, expertise and technology


For more than 15 years, Geotab provided by Traxxis GPS Solutions has brought innovation, expertise and open platform technology to businesses of all sizes — including Fortune 500 companies and North America’s largest fleets. With 120+ engineers on staff, nearly 1 million devices in operation and over 2 billion points of data collected daily, Geotab consistently ranks among the top leaders in technology innovation. We can help you meet compliance, optimize your fleet, increase productivity and much more.
solution for Hours of Service

Geotab Drive
Can Help

Geotab Drive Can Help

Geotab Drive is our FMCSA-compliant solution for Hours of Service (HOS), Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting and driver identification. The smart driver app syncs data between the Geotab GO device and a tablet to provide numerous functions, such as automatic duty status changes and violation alerts, among others, and complete end-to-end inspection workflow. Geotab Drive is compatible with the Geotab GO6 and GO8 devices, IOX-USB, and Android or iOS.
quick and easy

Fleet Compliance Management: DVIR, HOS, IFTA

It all starts in the vehicle. The Geotab GO is a small form-factor device that simply plugs directly into your vehicle’s OBDII port. If your vehicle or truck does not have an OBDII, an adapter can be used instead. The installation process is quick, easy, and doesn’t require any special tools or the assistance of a professional installer.
GEOTAB Brochure

Electronic Logging, Simplifed

Geotab’s electronic logging device (ELD) solution — Geotab Drive — streamlines Hours of Service, Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting and Driver Identifcation, saving time and money. This smart mobile app works with the Geotab GO telematics device to help you meet compliance regulations, keep your fleet productive and your drivers safe.
our focus


In December 2015, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released the nal ruling requiring the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs) for the commercial truck and bus industries. The nal rule was implemented to improve road safety, strengthen compliance, and protect commercial drivers. To assist eets in complying with the new regulations, Geotab has prepared this overview of the changes in the new regulations, including an electronic logging history and a comparison of the changes in the different rulings.
This paper addresses these important questions:

We talk a lot about hope helping and teamwork

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