Pull together with WORKsmart™ – Connect
Once you’ve invested in systems and software, it’s hard to start again from scratch. And no matter how much you could potentially save with new technology, you don’t want to see your original investment wasted. Happily, your business can enjoy all the benefits of a TomTom WORKsmart™ solution using the systems you already have. We’ll repeat that. Whatever you’re using to run your dispatch, scheduling, service and accounting processes, you can bring them all together in a fully-functioning, fully-integrated fleet management solution thanks to WORKsmart™ – Connect. Our network of trusted integrators and software partners have been setting up bespoke systems for our customers with no problem at all, so you can rest assured that it’s a completely proven solution.
Driving Business
  • Real-time data from the road enriches current systems
  • Comprehensive fleet management function
  • Seamless integration, out of the box
  • Proven success with trusted partners
WORKsmart™ – Connect
With WORKsmart™ – Connect, the fleet and workforce data that is presented and stored in TomTom WEBFLEET® can be used by any of the applications you are using to run your back-end processes. No matter what software you’re using, or how you have it arranged, our WEBFLEET® connect API gives you full access to these valuable records.
Work smarter
It’s just the sort of information you need to drive your business into the future. And with WORKsmart™ – Connect, you’ll also be making the most of the systems you bought in the past.
Integrate with back-office systems
In no time at all you could be enriching your applications with data that’s fresh from the road. Use accurate working hours data in your payroll applications. Provide customers with itemised invoices showing the time and mileage related to each job. Draw on real time vehicle location and job status information to optimise scheduling. Or check your business initiatives are delivering results by measuring KPIs against your targets.
Trust us to deliver
WORKsmart™ solutions are being used by your industry peers in hundreds of different environments. The open architecture of the underlying application means that integration with most industry-standard applications happens straight out of the box. In the few cases where integration is not instantaneous, our trusted partners have the experience necessary to get your solution up and running fast.
About us
We provide the best fit solutions to our customers for their vehicle location, tracking and mobile resource management needs.

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